Jane Anne drew a design for the cover of her notebook. She describes
it to a friend, starting from the centre and working to the outside.
The center is a yellow square 2 cm X 2 cm.
On both sides
are squares, the same size, divided diagionally from left to right into 2 triangles - one triangle is
green and the other is purple. The triangles are congruent. One square has been rotated 180 degrees,
so the purple triangles are on either side of the yellow square.
Above the center
yellow square is a pink trapazoid with a base of 2 cm and a height of 2 cm. The top of the trapeziod
is 6 cm. Below the center yellow square is a reflection of the pink
To the right of the lower pink trapazoid is a dark purple
parallelogram 2 cm at the base and a height of 2 cm. It is a reflection of, and is congruent with the
dark purple parallelogram to the left of the upper pink trapazoid.